Solo Sphere

Date de publication

A beautiful theme for Nuxt Content ready for Nuxt Studio.

Currently, this theme is meant to be used with a single page.


You have two options to install this Nuxt Layer.

Creating a new project

Adding to an existing project

First, you need to install the package:

pnpm install -D @barbapapazes/solo-sphere

Then, you will need to extend your project:

export default defineNuxtConfig({  extends: '@barbapapazes/solo-sphere'})

Voilà! You're good to go!


Solo Sphere is meant to be used with the content directory from Nuxt Content.

To get started, you just have to create a content directory at the root of your project and add an file inside.

---title: Hello World---Lorem...

Do not forget that you can overwrite any component or layout from Solo Sphere by creating a file with the same name in your project.


Solo Sphere comes with a layout called prose. It renders the content of your markdown files in the way you're reading this page.

---title: Hello Worldlayout: prose---Lorem...


No components yet...